Our Services
Step Of Process
It is the mission of Scrub America to beautify spaces in cost-effective ways for those we serve. The methods used by Scrub are nondamaging and have been developed based on extensive education, certifications, and experience.
For starters your tile will be inspected while we look for any areas that will need extra attention and to point out any missing or damaged grout.
Vacuumed and Detergent Added
The tile will be dry vacuumed if needed and then our favorite oxygenated detergent will be applied.
Soils Loosened
Using a combination of our power scrubber and detail brushes all of the tiles and grout lines are agitated to help loosen the soils.those we serve.
Next we bring in our “Spinner” tool which has rotating jets underneath and the outer ring provides suction. The Spinner is connected to our vans vacuum and hot water hoses.
Tile Blasted
Now we go over the floor and it’s just like an enclosed pressure washer that blasts the tile and grout while simultaneously extracting the dirty water back to our van.
Detailing and Drying
A smaller hand tool is used for any detail rinsing and then fans are installed for speed drying the tile.